1/17/24 Wachusett Business Incubator / Available
Live-to-Tape 3-4pm
Wachusett Business Incubator
Magnus Carlberg, Executive Director
Healing Paws
Marina Doktor. Author
Renee DeSimone, co-author
Luna, 9lb Pomeranian, inspiration
12/27/23 Available
live-to-tape 2-3pm 12/20/23
Priscila Espinosa, SproutChange, President & CEO
Population Health programming that SproutChange has been doing in North Central MA
FHS E-Sports Team
State Champions!

11/22/23 Emanuel Lutheran Christmas Services/ Fitchburg Military Band Holiday Concert / Ukulele J
Emanuel Lutheran Church Christmas Services
Pastor Daniel Spigelmyer
Fitchburg Military Band
William Williams
Jodie Rachman "Ukulele J"
About Jodie
As the daughter of a camp director, Jodie sang her way through her childhood years. Now, many years later, having learned to play the ukulele, she has made it her mission to encourage joy and healing through music.
She started her Elder Music Sing-a-Long program in January of 2016 and now visits residents in over 25 different facilities conducting group sing a longs for a variety of levels and abilities.
11/15/23 Financial Literacy
Live to tape 3-4pm
Financial literacy
Glenn Davis
Chris Del Valle, AVP, Financial Wellness Coach

10/25/23 Social Light Business Club / Slightly Odd Fitchburg / Fitchburg Little League
Social Light Business Club
Sam Nieves, Founder
Slightly Odd Fitchburg
Ed Sweeney, Author
Fitchburg Little League
Joshua Peterson, President

10/18/23 St. Joseph's Christmas Fair / Tough Stuff Recycling
St. Joseph's Christmas Fair
Paul Migliozzi
Bernie Schultz
Father Dario
Tough Stuff Recycling
Rodney Clara, Vice President of Sales & Business Development
9/20/23 SproutChange/ Available
Priscila Espinosa, SproutChange, President & CEO
Population Health programming that SproutChange has been doing in North Central MA

7/26/23 Plastic City Comic-Con / Digi Chivetta
Pre-record 7/19 3-4pm
Plastic City Comic-Con
Keith Gleason, Founder
Amy Gleason, Founder
Digi Chivetta, Artist
You'll often hear Digi described as a multidisciplinary artist and writer. In her Yoruba Orisa culture, however, her title is more concise. She is known as a Griot. There was no limit to the media that a Griot can master to bring their ancestors' stories alive for audiences. More than hereditary, a Griot's stories are written in their blood. Their DNA is an intricate sigil containing the tracks of their ancestors. Griots are believed to be born to relay messages to the world in a way that only their unique incarnation can. No matter what the Griot's environment, they'll have a strong compulsion to tell the stories written in their blood.
About the exhibition: The exhibition will the result of a residency which is a collaboration between the artist collective WHEREAREALLTHEBLACKPEOPLE AT & the Fitchburg Art Museum. Seven artists will be responding to the African art collection at FAM.
For the opening of the exhibit, I’ll be transforming the lobby into a pop-up shop full of exclusive merchandise and original artwork by the artists in the show. I’ll also be performing an Egùngùn masquerade dance at the opening. After my dance, my costume will become part of the exhibition
7/19/23 Community United - Save our Maternity - Leominster Hospital
Pre-Record 4:30pm-5:30pm
Community United - Save our Maternity - Leominster Hospital
Eladia Romero, Coalition Leader
Irene Hernandez, Coalition Leader
Tara Corey, RN - Maternity Nurse
Amy Gagnon, RN - Maternity Nurse