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10/26/16 Interview with Candidates for Governor's Council

Interview with Candidates for Governor's Council

The Governor's Council, which dates to Colonial times, is elected to provide advice and consent to the governor on such matters as judicial nominations, pardons and commutations.

Background & Commentary:

Jen Caisse, Current District 7 Councilor

Matthew J. Vance; Current Gardner City Councilor

The Governor’s Council is a Constitutional body that was established under the Massachusetts’ Constitution, a/k/a The Declaration of Rights. Currently, the Council consists of eight (8) members all elected throughout Massachusetts. The Council’s primary role is to vote on all lifetime judicial appointments. In other words, no one becomes a judge in Massachusetts without the advice and consent of a majority of the 8-member Governor’s Council. The Council also votes on clerk magistrates, the members of the Massachusetts Parole Board, the Tax Appellate Board, Notary Publics and Justices of the Peace.

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Earlier Event: October 19
10/19/16 DFN Halloween Show
Later Event: November 16
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