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8/23/17 All about Composting!

City Compost: Adam Jankauskas

Growing Places: Erica Wood


Compost: Food for our Food

Composting is the biological breakdown of material from plants and animals conducted by a vast variety of microbes that returns nutrients to the soil to be taken up by new plant life. Compost is the nutrient dense soil that is also an organic fertilizer that results from the process. The major aspects of a proper process that results in a great soil without producing odor along the way include aeration, material balancing, moisture control, particle size, temperature, and proper volume.   

Every bit of material from plants and animals regardless if it can be eaten contains valuable nutrients. It is not waste. These materials just have to be handled properly to compost and not rot. This is where City Compost comes in. We gather food scraps to return them to the soil. This way, more clean, healthy food can be grown for all

PSA: Growing Places Event with Erica Wood

WIC Services with Melissa Magane