live to tape record 3/15 5-6pm
Emanuel Holy Week & Easter
Pastor Daniel Spigelmyer
Holy Week and Easter. Holy Week begins Sunday, April 2 and there’s Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday), and of course Easter Sunday. Emanuel has service each of those days.
Fitchburg State Visions
Coe McIninch, Visions 2023 Committee Chair
Jeff Warmouth, Chair of the Communications Media Dept.
The Communications Media Department at Fitchburg State University hosts Visions, a juried honors showcase of the year's best original student work.
The entire campus and local community look forward to this annual event, which consists of an Alumni Panel, Presentation Forum, Gallery Art Exhibition, Game Design student demonstrations, Theater Showcases, and a Film and Video screening.
Each year, community members are invited to join our students, faculty and staff in celebrating the talent and creative accomplishments of our students.
This year it is on April 26, 2023 starting at 3:30PM.